Vienna World

Wolfgang Muthspiel announces his 2nd song cycle – written and recorded around the world with a global troupe of musicians.

Wolfgang Muthspiel announces his 2nd song cycle  
Vienna, World written and recorded around the world with a global troupe of musicians.
The second album of songs from the Austrian guitarist and singer, Wolfgang Muthspiel is an eclectic, global affair. Where some albums are recorded in a few days, Vienna, World was preceded by a world tour over several weeks in which he travelled to five different countries performing and recording his new songs with local musicians.

Muthspiel : “I wanted to surround myself with many different musical dialects and colours in this project. Hence the musical journey around the world that began in Tibro (Sweden), led to Rio and Buenos Aires on to New York City and finally ended in Vienna.“

There are five different ensembles on Vienna, World, ranging from a folky duo with the American singer Becca Stevens (“And Then”) to an almost orchestral tango-inspired piece “The Dancer”, which was performed by an Argentinian six-piece band in Buenos Aires.

“This song is about an ageing tango dancer. The proud Argentines took this song to their hearts and referred to it as The Tango from the first rehearsal onwards.”

The common thread throughout is of course Wolfgang Muthspiel’s voice, guitar and his wonderful songs.

There is a bluesy chorale with the Californian pianist Billy Childs (“Angel Envy”), a sprawling rock song with the Swedish band (“Lover Like You”), in which the brothers Lindvall (from a-ha) on bass and drums indulge in a hypnotic groove.

“The Swedish studio, housed in a farmhouse was peppered with ancient, legendary tube equipment. If it worked, it sounded great. If not, we went out to play soccer. ”
Muthspiel sings about his homeland “Austria”, where he is joined by the violin virtuoso Benjamin Schmid and the Cellist Florian Eggner.

“I wanted two classical musicians in the Viennese band, because that is our tradition. Of course, I went for those, who have an affinity for both, a beat and Schubert.”

In “Manhattan”, Muthspiel, together with his Brazilian band, sings of those years he spent living in New York City.

“The lyrics are about events in Manhattan, which seemed natural for me then, but still sound amazing in retrospect. For example, the fact, that after some concerts half of the audience would come home with us and keep celebrating in our apartment. ”
Muthspiel continues, “before we went into the studio in Rio, we played a concert in a club. 10 minutes before the start of the concert there was no one in the audience and I got a little nervous. Then the promoter came into our dressing room and said brightly: We have our first visitor: It’s Milton Nascimento. The evening was more than saved!”

The album Vienna, World is a personal statement by Wolfgang Muthspiel, with a clear focus on song and text.

“It’s almost a cliché to say that you do not want to think in categories as a musician. But it is true that while writing, while finding music, such thoughts disturb the process. While I compose something I don’t want to know yet what it will become. So my goal was simply to create a collection of songs that will be played by various bands. These bands were grouped around people I trust musically. Is it Jazz or not? Oh come on, does it matter?”

Visit the Website of the whole Project: