Unter einem Zuckerhimmel

»Unter einem Zuckerhimmel« Balladen und Gedichte. Illustriert von Anselm Kiefer

Christoph Ransmayr, Lesung
Wolfgang Muthspiel, Gitarren

Painting, music, poetry! Three arts, one event: Anselm Kiefer transformed Christoph Ransmayr’s collection of ballads and poems, Unter einem Zuckerhimmel (“Under a Sugar Sky”), into a series of luminous watercolors. Wolfgang Muthspiel then composed music for this creative interchange. Kiefer’s watercolors will flow as a stream of images over a canvas , while Muthspiel will bring the words transformed into painting to musical life with his guitars, and Ransmayr will perform his ballads among these lush swirls of color and sound – uniting three forms of artistic expression that culminate into one unforgettable evening of mutual inspiration.


Photos: Wiener Konzerthaus / Lukas Beck